Opening Hours

Opening hours may vary depending on the store. For details please check the page for each shop.

General Information

See here for news and information from around town.

Location Umekita Park South Park, Building A, in PLAT UMEKITA
Services Facility information / Event information, etc. / News from around town
Business hours 10:00 - 20:00



Wi-Fi (free of charge) is available.
Not available in some areas.
There are some limits placed on Wi-Fi usage.

HH cross Wi-Fi

HH cross Wi-Fi (free of charge) is available.
Not available in some areas.
You will need to download the app and register as an HH cross member in order to use this service.
There is a limit to the number of times you can use the service. Please refer to the HH cross Wi-Fi websiteThis will open in a new window. for details.

Telephone Interpretation Service

A telephone interpreting service is available so that you can enjoy shopping with peace of mind. It is an interpreting service in which the customer, staff, and a call-center interpreter talk via a telephone. It is available in eight languages, including English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Be sure to ask our staff about it.

Nursing Room

The room is equipped with a water heater for baby formula, a crib, nursing chair, and a waste bin.

Location North Building 2F
Floor mapThis will open in a new window.

Smoking Areas

Location North Building 2F
Floor mapThis will open in a new window.
South Park: Next to the E Building
Park mapThis will open in a new window.