【Dinner in Umeda】Gourmet Restaurants You’ll Want to Visit After Shopping🍽️


After having a blast in Umeda, why not unwind with some delicious cuisine? From juicy meats, popular Korean dishes, to everyone's favorite takoyaki, a diverse array of tastiness is just around the corner at HEP FIVE⭐️

Take a breather with HEP FIVE's Gourmet Selection♡
UMEYOSHI エビフライ定食 梅田 グルメ HEP 晩御飯

Even when you're tired after shopping, you can easily drop by the restaurants in HEP FIVE! From filling snacks to satisfying full meals, we'll introduce plenty. Recharge your body and soul with delicious food♪

永江梨乃 モデル 女優 タレント

Savor the Crispy and Succulent Fried Delicacies at UMEYOSHI♡

HEP とんかつ グルメ 梅田 晩御飯 エビフライ 定食

UMEYOSHI, the restaurant known for its exquisite tonkatsu (pork cutlet) and rice bowls. The crispy fried pork and shrimp aren't overly oily, making it a refreshing palate cleanser, perfect for dinner even after dessert time🎵
UMEYOSHI  定食 エビフライ定食
Shrimp Fry Set Meal

The "Shrimp Fry Set Meal", featuring three large shrimps, is carefully adjusted in terms of frying time and oil temperature to achieve a crispy and succulent texture. It's so addictive, you'll want to have it over and over again♡
Every set meal comes with rice, miso soup, and pickles, with one free refill of rice👍 You're sure to be full!
チーズかつ丼 かつ丼 梅田 グルメ UMEYOSHI 
Cheese Katsu Don

On days when you're famished, go for the "Cheese Katsu Don", a rice bowl topped with plenty of mozzarella-based cheese on top of the pork cutlet! The crispy pork cutlet and the melty cheese create a combination that's so delicious, you can't stop eating it❣️ It's satisfying enough even on an extremely hungry day⭐️

Sink Your Teeth into a Juicy Hamburger at The Hamburger Kitchen MaruBurg!

ハンバーグ マルバーグ ジューシー 梅田 グルメ 

"The Hamburger Kitchen MaruBurg" offers soft, juicy hamburgers in a set meal style. The hamburger, which incorporates minced beef tongue in addition to beef and pork, has a delectable meat juice that gushes out the moment you bite into it! The homemade demi-glace sauce and tomato sauce also whet your appetite, and it's perfect with rice👍
ハンバーグ マルバーグ 梅田 グルメ 
Demi Cheeseburg
(The Hamburger Kitchen MaruBurg / HEP FIVE 7F)

Among the many menus, the particularly popular "Demi Cheeseburg" is a rich dish topped with double cheddar cheese and shredded cheese☝️ It goes well with the demi-glace sauce, which is simmered with beef tendons and vegetable broth, and you'll be hooked on its flavor😋 All hamburgers come with rice, miso soup, and salad, and a large serving of rice is free! It's perfect for days when you want to eat a lot, as well as for dates with your food-loving partner❤️

Enjoy the Korean Street Food at KOREAN KITCHEN K-LOVERS!

韓国グルメ 韓国チキン 屋台グルメ 梅田 

Next, we visited "KOREAN KITCHEN K-LOVERS", which offers Korean street food in a pop atmosphere! They have a variety of popular Korean classic dishes such as chicken, cheese balls, and Korean-style churros⭐️
韓国チキン 韓国グルメ ハニーマスタードチキン 梅田

Honey Mustard Chicken

The "Honey Mustard Chicken" features juicy thigh meat wrapped in a crispy batter and fried to perfection. The soft and succulent meat of the chicken thigh, the texture of the batter, and the sweet and salty taste of the honey mustard are addictive〜❤️ It's a pretty large size, so it's satisfying to eat◎
チーズボール 韓国グルメ 梅田 韓国屋台グルメ

Cheese Ball

The "Cheese Ball" with its crispy and melty texture is perfect for a snack🎶 Enjoy it with a soft drink from Korea, like pear juice or Chilsung Cider!
As it's served hot, the cheese stretches out as you pinch it😍 It's definitely a favorite for everyone!

Enjoy the Melty Batter Overflowing When You Bite into "abeno takoyaki yamachan"

たこ焼き やまちゃん 大阪たこ焼き 梅田たこ焼き 

Lastly, we head to "abeno takoyaki yamachan"🏃 They mix plenty of their secret broth, made from chicken and seafood, into the batter, so it's delicious even without any sauce😋 The outside is crispy and the inside is melty. Once you bite into it, the melty batter overflows!

あべのたこ焼きやまちゃん 梅田たこ焼き 大阪たこ焼き 

Classic Half & Half - 8 pieces
(abeno takoyaki yamachan / HEP FIVE 1F)

When you think of yamachan, this is it☝️ Enjoy the forever popular number one, the "Best" flavor with salt, and "Fully Topped" with sauce, mayonnaise, and green seaweed in a set of 4 each in the "Classic Half & Half"❗️ Whether it's the simple salt flavor or the rich sauce, mayo & seaweed flavor, I love them both〜♡
やまちゃん 豪華四種盛り たこ焼き 梅田たこ焼き 大阪たこ焼き

yamachan Deluxe Four Assortment - 12 pieces
(abeno takoyaki yamachan / HEP FIVE 1F)

If you're sharing with everyone, the "Deluxe Four Assortment" is recommended, where you can enjoy popular flavors all at once👍 From the bottom in a clockwise direction, there's Fully Topped (sauce, mayo, and green seaweed), Best (salt), Sesame Oil Salt, and Triple Cheese. You can enjoy a variety of flavors, from light to rich🎵 If everyone nibbles and chats, it'll surely liven up the girls' talk too😆

*Information in this article is accurate as of the date of posting. There is a possibility that details regarding these products and services have changed, or that some shops have since closed.


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